E015-01 Extron製 MTP R 15HD A [97065837]
E015-01 Extron製 MTP R 15HD A
販売価格: 35,600円(税込)
在庫数 9枚
E015-01 Extron製 MTP R 15HD A | |
商品説明 | http://www.extron.com/product/product.aspx?id=mtpr15hda#features ■仕様: メーカー型番: MTP R 15HD A The Extron MTP 15HD A Series is a versatile family of MTP twisted pair transmitters and receivers for transmitting VGA and summed mono audio signals long distances to presentation displays over a single unshielded twisted pair cable. They are compatible with resolutions up to 1920 x 1200 and will support cable runs of 600 feet (185 meters) or more with XGA signals, and 450 feet (135 meters) or more with UXGA signals. The MTP 15HD A Series is ideal for systems where high resolution video signals must be transmitted long distances to a display where conduit space is limited or for systems where cabling might be exposed or visible. Ideal applications include public information displays at airports, museums, movie theaters, and hotels. Compact Transmitters and Receivers The MTP T 15HD A transmitter sends RGBHV high resolution video and audio signals to a compatible MTP RL 15HD A, or MTP RL 15HD A SEQ receiver. The MTP 15HD A series non-CAT 7 models can be used with any CAT 5-type twisted pair cable or with Extron Enhanced Skew-Free? AV UTP cable. Both MTP RL 15HD A receiver models offer separate variable level and peaking adjustments that precisely optimize image quality for various UTP cable lengths. MTPs are compact so they can fit just about anywhere: in equipment racks, under tables and desktops, or next to a projector. Buffered Loop-Through The Extron MTP RL 15HD A Mini Twisted Pair Receiver with Loop Through features an added female MTP buffered output, enabling up to eight receivers to be connected in series, reducing the number of parallel cable runs required. Integrated Skew Delay Equalization The MTP RL 15HD A SEQ features an integrated skew delay equalizer. Skew delay is the color misalignment present in twisted pair AV systems using CAT 5-type cable in which the red, green, and blue video signals arrive at the display at different times. Using Extron's skew delay equalizer technology, the arrival of color signals is synchronized, improving image quality while maintaining full signal integrity. The MTP 15HD Series The compact MTP 15HD Series is designed for easy integration into new and existing AV environments. The MTP 15HD Series is a complete twisted pair system including transmitters, receivers, switchers, and distribution amplifiers, providing the ability to send, route, and distribute high resolution video, audio, and control signals. The entire family of Extron MTP 15HD products sets the price/performance standard for audio/video twisted pair technology. Benefits of Using Twisted Pair Because the MTP 15HD mini transmitters and receivers utilize UTP cable for distribution, they offer considerable advantages in cost, performance, and ease of installation. UTP cable is a fraction of the size of coaxial cable, and much lighter, more flexible, and less expensive, thus providing AV system designers and installers with an economical, space efficient solution for a variety of applications. Features ? Input: Female RJ-45 connector - all models ? Output: One female 15-pin HD connector, one 3.5 mm captive screw connector, one female RJ-45 loop through connector ? Receives high resolution video and mono audio signals 600 feet (185 meters) or more over a single CAT 5-type cable ? Supports RGBHV, RGBS, RGsB, RsGsBs, component video, S-video, and composite video ? Compatible with HDTV component video, bi-level or tri-level sync ? Separate variable level and peaking controls ? Buffered MTP output for daisy-chaining up to eight receivers ? Independent skew compensation adjustments for each color - MTP RL 15HD A SEQ only ? Compact 1U, quarter rack width, rugged metal enclosure ? Highly reliable, energy-efficient external universal power supply included, replacement part #70-775-01 ? Provides worldwide power compatibility, with high demonstrated reliability and low power consumption for reduced operating costs. ■状態 動作未確認のジャンク品扱いです。外部センサーはありません。 外観は写真通りです。汚れと傷があります。 万一、他の瑕疵がありましたら、一切免責とします。 写真は、入札の参考程度にお考え頂きますようお願いします。 ノークレームノーリターンでお願いいたします。 ■お渡し物 写真通りで本体のみです。 ACアダプターは付けします。 |
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支払方法 | ■Yahoo!かんたん決済 |
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