SKF 99192 Speedi Sleeve, Inch, 1.912in Shaft Diameter, 0.375in Width 海外 即決 [90167407]

SKF 99192 Speedi Sleeve, Inch, 1.912in Shaft Diameter, 0.375in Width 海外 即決 [90167407]

販売価格: 12,460(税込)

在庫数 10枚



SKF 99192 Speedi Sleeve, Inch, 1.912in Shaft Diameter, 0.375in Width
(SKF 99192 Speedi Sleeve, Inch, 1.912in Shaft Diameter, 0.375in Width)



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It’s quicker than remetalizing or regrinding,and provides an improved sealing system. The outside surface of an SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE forms an ideal sealing surface. Many popular regrinding and refinishing techniques produce a surface that cannot be properly sealed The standard range of SKF SPEEDISLEEVE sizes covers shaft diameters from .472” to 8” (12 mm to 200 mm). The SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE is thinwalled,0.011” (0,28 mm),and made of high quality stainless steel. The contact surface is wearresistant with a finish of Ra 10 to 20 in (0,25 to 0,5 m). No expensive machining or preparation is required before mounting. Downtime is reduced since installation only takes a few minutes "SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE. These thin-walled stainless steel shaft repair sleeves can come to immediate rescue when a crankshaft needs a new sealing surface. " "Low in cost,a SPEEDI-SLEEVE is slipped over the worn area quickly and easily,and provides a surface that is actually harder than that of a new shaft. The same size seal (as the one being replaced) fits snugly onto the new surface. And each SPEEDI-SLEEVE comes as a kit with a disposable installation tool. " While installation is simple,it must be done with care in order to assure proper results. An installation tool is packaged with every sleeveASK A QUESTIONMPN: 99192 DELIVERY WITHIN2-3 Working DaysOUR PROMISEFree shipping,ready to install Categories Store Feedback Contact us


