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- > キョクトウ 英習(15段) LM15F 日本ノート 4901470002623
キョクトウ 英習(15段) LM15F 日本ノート 4901470002623 [86913653]
It is most suitable for English study♪
○It is the notebook for the English exercise. It is a product for elementary school of old China 5-6 years students. 英習罫 is 15 steps. It is page 30. The list of alphabets and a list of spelling of the Romaji appear. It is most suitable for the learning notebook of the child.
A product cord: [2SNN71051] JAN: 4901470002623
□Get size (about) .179*252mm □ standard B5 (3 for the study) □ ruled line contents 英習罫 15 steps □ article name キョクトウ 学習帳英習 15 steps □ use notebook English exercise □ keyword learning notebook のーとがくしゅうちょうきょくとうお lesson of the notebook and is; .1 □ series name SCHOOLNOTE □ maker name KYOKUTO ASSOCIATES Co. Ltd. □ category B170004 □ numbers containing